Who is a better coach?

Attention Plss... !!!!!

Cows and goats are our second mothers who give us milk everyday.Those innocent creatures give us milk even without feeding milk to their own children.
My doubt is.......How does people feel to kill those innocent second mothers and eat them happily.....I think if we could do so...then we wouldn't hesitate to kill our original mother........
No one understands the severe pain it bears when it is killed.It takes about one hour to tear a cow's neck.......even with a half neck....the cow doesn't die...it bears the pain....
If some one try to kill us we try our best to escape.......we call out for help....some one might be there for help...but thats not the case here.....who's there to help these speechless animals....
If one stands against these injustices today....then we can bring the whole India to help protect these animals and care them.....
Doing some welfare towards animals might give you more blessings than praying and begging to GOD!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

The generous lawyer

A local charity office realized that they had never received a donation from the city's most paid lawyer. The person in charge of contributions asked him to contribute.

"Our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least Rs400,000, you give not a rupee to charity. Wouldn't you like to give some money to the charity in some way?"

The lawyer pondered this over for a moment and replied, "First, did your research also show that my mother is dying due to liver failure, and has medical bills that are equal to her annual income?"

Embarrassed, the guy muttered, "Err ... no."

The lawyer interrupts, "or that my brother, a disabled, who is blind and confined to a wheelchair?"

The struck guy started to stammer out an apology, but was interrupted again.

"Or that my sister's husband died in a traffic accident," the lawyer's voice rising in outrage, "leaving her in strained circumstances with three children?!"

The humiliated guy, completely beaten, said, "I had no idea..."

The lawyer cut him off once again, "So if I don't pay any money to them, why should I pay any to you?"

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